> Accessibility

Visiting the exhibition
Unguided visits
Blind and partially sighted visitors can explore the exhibition thanks to a specially designed tour featuring raised images and an audio-description. Portable hearing loops compatible with the free audio guide facilitate access to the sound features of the exhibition. The exhibition areas are wheelchair accessible. Stick-seats and wheelchairs can be borrowed at the cloakroom.
Guided group tours
Pierre Boulez exhibition
Teens and adults / Blind and partially sighted visitors
Using raised images, the guide presents Pierre Boulez’s career as a composer, conductor and teacher while also highlighting his ties with a great number of artists, including painters, writers, architects and stage/film directors…
Duration: 1 hour
en couleurs”
Teens and adults / Visitors with learning difficulties and mental health service users
Following the group visit of the Pierre Boulez exhibition, and drawing on the paintings presented by the guide, this workshop is an invitation to create improvised music pieces like the composer himself.
Duration: 2 hours
Teens and adults / Visitors with reduced mobility
All areas of the Museum are accessible to individuals with reduced mobility. Wheelchairs and stick-seats are available at the cloakroom. The guided tours of the Pierre Boulez exhibition (the general tour and the Studio Boulez workshop-tour) are accessible to visitors with reduced mobility.
The workshop-tour can be tailored to the respiratory and fine motor abilities of those present.
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours
Teens and adults / Deaf and hard of hearing visitors
Lip reading tours
The general tour of the Pierre Boulez exhibition can be adapted for lip reading. Audiophones compatible with a portable hearing loop system amplify the tour guide’s speech and the musical excerpts.
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Visitor information
Collapsible seats and wheelchairs are available at the cloakrooms. Headphones or portable teleloop systems can be borrowed at the audio guide distribution counter.
Rates and reservations
Unguided visits
Admission is free of charge for disabled persons and the person accompanying them. To schedule a visit (subject to availability), please contact the Reservations service at +33 (0)1 44 84 44 84.
Reservations are mandatory for groups.
Guided tours
€60 for the whole group (maximum of 15 people)
Reservations at +33 (0)1 44 84 44 84 (press 2 for groups)
Deaf and hearing-impaired audiences: education@philharmoniedeparis.fr